Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Michelle Malkin changed my mind. I was wrong. Racial profiling is really great! It will totally stop terrorist attacks!

Not only does it really, really work...
Essentially, police were stopping more African-Americans than Caucasians but finding fewer criminals among the former. Why? Not because blacks commit proportionately fewer crimes than whites do (the data vary according to the type of crime and other factors) but because police were looking at the wrong factors when they stopped people, Harris says.
But really it's so obviously the only solution to the problem of terrorism, because there have never been white, female (no, not female, never female, terrorists are never white females,), Christian terrorists. No, they are all Arab and Muslim and male.

There are no crazy Christian groups causing havoc in the world today, let alone in the United States.

No, all terrorists hell-bent on destroying our government are Arab foreigners.

of them.

(Whew. Thank the gods for Wikipedia!)

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