Monday, September 23, 2002

America, As Seen on TV

People in this country only care about something if they see it on television.

I know that's not exactly big news, but it struck me this week while seeing and reading about that Indiana woman who beat up her kid live on tape! Yes, it was horrible. Yes, the woman is probably a bad mother.

But guess what, folks, it happens every day! How many people who sat in front of MSNBC's Live Coverage would have done anything if they saw someone beating their child in a parking lot? Right now, someone is doing to their child what Madelyne Gorman Toogood did to hers, and there isn't any footage of it. Who will help that child?

Okay, so that was a little maudlin, but I'm feeling kind of weepy today. Anyway, anyone in the Albuquerque area who might want to help can help out this place. It's pretty cool.

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