Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Random Ten/Cat Blogging

Originally uploaded by plucky punk.
This is pretty much the only thing I have the mental energy to blog about, although I will say I've spent pretty much all week reading Pandagon and Feministe, and advise you to do so as well.


1. On My Way - The Proclaimers
2. Soul Kitchen - X
3. I Held Her In My Arms - Violent Femmes
4. Tortise Brand Pot Scrubbing Cleaner's Theme - Shonen Knife
5. Laid - James
6. Flowers - Psychedelic Furs
7. Filipino Box Spring Hog - Tom Waits
8. Shake Your Rump - Beastie Boys
9. I Can't Stand It - Lou Reed
10. Jeepster - T.Rex

As an added bonus, since I'm such a crappy lazy blogger, I include a picture of another cat. Doesn't this picture of Hubcap kind of look like it was taken on the set of some sleazy 70's porn, what with the wood paneling and the orangey tint? My digital camera is old and doesn't white balance very well indoors.

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