Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Yep yep yep yep yep

This is me practicing embedded YouTube.

Hey, did it work? And is it sad that the same stuff that cracked me up when I was two still cracks me up? Seriously, I love these stupid aliens!

This is from this huge post at folded space, via daddy types which I was idly browsing looking a ridiculous crap I'd never by but secretly lust for in a way that gives me liberal guilt.

By the way, what was with old school Sesame Street and the number 12? There's the 12 ladybugs in the Ladybug's Picnic song (which is awesome...sounds like a Guthrie to me.) And then there's the super-trippy, uber-funky counting to tweleve song here. (I mean, seriously, no wonder I smoked so much pot in high school if I was watching this as a kid.)

But what does the number 12 really represent? I think it's some sort of Jim Henson version of the Da Vinci code.

Although to me it doesn't come close to the floating, giggling baby head from Teletubbies. Ahhh! The baby head is coming to eat me!!!

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