Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Will the real Democrats please stand up

Hesiod points us towards a video clip of that excellent President Bush versus Governor Bush debate that was on The Daily Show the other night. Hesiod also thinks this would be an excellent theme for an anti-Bush campaign ad.

I agree. You hear alot that the Democrats are lost votes in the last two elections because the politics of the country have moved towards the right. I'll go out on a limb here and take the position that the opposite is true. I think the Democrats have gotten the most right-leaning voters that they are going to get, they shouldn't try to court any more. Rather, the Democrats need to court all the people who voted Green, or didn't vote at all, because they feel the party has degenerated to a bunch of decadent Republican wanna-bes. I want a Democrat with moxie, who will call Dubya on all his bullsh*t, dress up like Trent Lott on Saturday Night Live and say they will "leave no white child behind", or who will tell neo-con chickenhawks that he fought and bled for his right to question the government.

Please, Democrats, I practically beg you, don't play it safe in the next elections. Stick you necks out, take risks, act like you have a pair. This will get you votes.

Or, at least my vote.

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