Thursday, June 19, 2003

Bush Lied, Shepherd Boys Got Shot in the Stomach Four Times.

This might seem like an unusual source, but I found myself riveted by this article, written by an embedded reporter from Rolling Stone magazine, of all places. The article was surprisingly honest to me, especially since this issue had Justin Timberlake and Christina Augilera on the cover. I was glad to find it on their website. This last section was the most disturbing.

A couple of hours later, two Bedouin women arrive at the edge of Bravo's perimeter...the younger woman seems highly distraught, gesturing and moving her mouth, but no words come out. Her breasts are exposed, her robes having fallen open while she was dragging her bundle across the fields. As Bryan approaches, she frantically unrolls its contents, revealing what appears to be a youth's bloody corpse. The boy looks about fourteen. Then he opens his eyes. Bryan kneels down. There are four small holes, two on each side of his stomach.

Bryan begins treating him immediately. In the field, several men appear walking a seventeen-year-old with blood streaming down his right leg. The two Bedouin boys were shot with rounds from a Marine SAW. Trombley is the only Marine who fired his SAW that morning. There were no other Marines in the area for twenty kilometers.

So, even though it's old news to us, the nation with the shortest collective attention span in the history of human civilization, let's just remember that when Bush lied...

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," he said in the January 28 speech.

The allegation was wrong. It was based on documents later exposed by U.N. weapons inspectors as sloppy forgeries -- with the wrong letterhead and wrong names -- designed to falsely implicate Niger in selling raw uranium, known as yellow cake, to Iraq.

...people actually did die. It's not just a fun catchphrase, or a marketing opportunity. (That last link via Red Letter Day, who I like even though he uses the word idiotarian.)

I maintain that someone should pay Monica Lewinsky to have an affair with Dubya. That way, we can impeach the jag-off and be done with him.

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