Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Michael Savage is a big fat weenie

Many bloggers have linked to this story already, (Pandagon, skippy, and Tom Tomorrow among them) but I thought I'd throw my two bits in.

Take Back the Media, who I really should have been linking to all alongfor their flash movies alone, is being sued by raging bigot Michael Savage, an extreme right-wing loon that makes Ann Coulter look like Karl Marx. Here are some examples of what a total racist, sexist, touchingly homophobic (it's okay, Mike, we know you only kiss girls, you don't have to keep reminding us) pig Savage is, taken from this Buzzflash interview.

- The United States "is being taken over by the freaks, the cripples, the perverts and the mental defectives"

- Gays and lesbians are "perverts" and that "the gay and lesbian mafia wants our children"

- America is a "'she-ocracy' where a minority of feminist zealots rule the culture...together, they have both feminized and homosexualized much of America to point where the nation has become passive, receptive and masochistic"

- MSNBC's Ashleigh Banfield is "the mind-slut with a big pair of glasses"

- When speaking of immigrants, "You open the door to them, and the next thing you know, they are defecating on your country and breeding out of control."

In the biggest irony since Ann Coulter released a book titled Slander, and then followed it up with a book in which she accuses all liberals of treason, this man is now suing Take Back the Media, among several other web sites, for making fun of him.

Let me repeat that, because it's really quite astounding.

This "man" makes a living by shouting insults at people who aren't even in the room with him all day long, and he is now upset that people on the internet are insulting him back.

Michael Savage is the worst kind of coward. He is a greedy, spoiled, C-level celebrity. He has a show with very poor ratings on a basic cable channel that has very poor ratings. He is clearly illustrating what is wrong with the American legal system. Michael Savage deserves to have Hustler magazine make fun of him like they did to Jerry Falwell. Since I don't have Larry Flynt on my speed dial anymore (hah! Just kidding!) let's see what I can do.

Michael Savage needs to get laid.

Michael Savage is so ugly, he has to hang steaks around his neck to get his dog to play with him.

Michael Savage is so stupid, he brought lipstick to a makeup quiz.

Michael Savage's momma is so fat, we're inside her right now.

One more,

Q: What's the difference between a mosquito and Michael Savage?
A: When you slap a mosquito, it will stop sucking.

Oo, oo, do I get a lawsuit now, too?

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