Tuesday, February 18, 2003

This is why I love New Yorkers

Salon has an excellent article about the "non-march" (they were denied the permit by the city) for peace in New York this weekend that touches on several things that I've been mulling over since September 11th, 2001.

Yet even as demonstrators declared that they were standing with the world -- and especially with Germany and France, whose opposition to war with Iraq in the U.N. was commended on sign after sign -- the event was filled with the burnished spirit of New York. Although there were marchers from across the country, locals predominated, many angrily rejecting the way they say the administration has hijacked their city's grief. "The New York that I knew growing up is coming back," said Brian Ferreira, a 24-year-old substitute teacher from Queens. "For a long time we've been in a docile mourning state." The Bush administration, he said, is "trying to profit off our loss."

I've always thought that the "Red" parts of America was using September 11th against the "Blue" part of America, of which New York, the city that was attacked, is a central part. One only needs to look at the writing s of Ann Coulter on the subject to know that for sure.

Go read the article. You'll have to click through a few screens of ads, but it's worth it.

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